Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Top 3 Best Walmart Hacks!

Yes, I am making a post about Walmart life hacks that I've been using forever. You can't find these anywhere else because these are all personal experiences that I've had, and learned from. Haha well, Here it goes:
  1. The Feathers.

There's an area in the arts & crafts section where you can hide any item that you want to save aside, and the employees never check behind these feathers. I've had things sitting there for 3 months at a time and they've never been found.

2. Products @ Walgreens
I returned a box of Walgreens hair dye and got my money back at the Walmart customer service counter. The barcodes on the items are the same for all of their beauty products. I handed the guy my receipt and everything, so if you don't feel like making a second trip then that takes care of that.

3.The End Caps
A lot of people just walk past the endcaps, but there are tons of clearance deals waiting there for you so don't forget to take the time to browse through and save yourself some moola on products that are normally expensive.

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