Wednesday, June 15, 2016

A Journey of Music

Music has been a part of my life for as long as I can remember. It keeps me movitvated and it makes me happy when I see others enjoying it as well. A simple melody can set a mood, adjust your emotions, and tell you what kind of state of mind you're in. I would like to become a musician someday, but I know that it takes a lot of guts to accomplish that. I have a few things to work on before I get to that point in my life. My self-esteem level is a big part of it. Before doing what I love I need to raise my confidence level up and stay modest. By doing this I will be able to achieve nearly anything. Becoming a musician is all about your image, and what you stand for. I know that the actual music is a big part of it too... But without an image there would be nothing different about you and it would be harder for you to stand out in a room full of the musically inclined. If you really want something, then anything is possible. You just have to set your mind to it and work as hard as you possibly can. Imagine yourself writing the next hit song, performing in front of a large crowd and being successful. This will help you become motivated. Just remember to remember where you came from, and who helped you along the way because someday these things will become a bigger part of your image than you might think. It's what makes you who you are today, so why leave it out? Be good to yourself, and to others. Improve on any weak points, and accentuate your quirks. But most importantly... Make sure that you're doing something that will make you excited to get out of bed in the morning. :)

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