Wednesday, June 15, 2016

A Journey of Music

Music has been a part of my life for as long as I can remember. It keeps me movitvated and it makes me happy when I see others enjoying it as well. A simple melody can set a mood, adjust your emotions, and tell you what kind of state of mind you're in. I would like to become a musician someday, but I know that it takes a lot of guts to accomplish that. I have a few things to work on before I get to that point in my life. My self-esteem level is a big part of it. Before doing what I love I need to raise my confidence level up and stay modest. By doing this I will be able to achieve nearly anything. Becoming a musician is all about your image, and what you stand for. I know that the actual music is a big part of it too... But without an image there would be nothing different about you and it would be harder for you to stand out in a room full of the musically inclined. If you really want something, then anything is possible. You just have to set your mind to it and work as hard as you possibly can. Imagine yourself writing the next hit song, performing in front of a large crowd and being successful. This will help you become motivated. Just remember to remember where you came from, and who helped you along the way because someday these things will become a bigger part of your image than you might think. It's what makes you who you are today, so why leave it out? Be good to yourself, and to others. Improve on any weak points, and accentuate your quirks. But most importantly... Make sure that you're doing something that will make you excited to get out of bed in the morning. :)

Sunday, June 12, 2016

My White Book of Dreams

I find the color white to be very motivational for me, along with dark blue. We all have certain things that really get us going and my top 3 would have to be my lover, music, and colors. I want to talk to you guys about my white book of dreams because it has a symbolic meaning to it and it holds a lot of my personal experiences. This is where I write down all of my goals and aspirations. I chose the color white because it reminds me of fluffy clouds, a clean slate, and it reminds me that there is always room for improvement and creativity. Dark blue reminds me of the process that I'm in while trying to achieve my goals and it symbolizes hard work. As a very spiritual being, I find it easier to be connected to things of a vibrant nature. Vibrant colors, songs, and emotions. We all have our quirks and interests but one thing that's nearly always the same is our motive... Which is to complete the goal or task at hand that we're trying to achieve. That's when motivation becomes a key factor. I love watching motivational videos on YouTube, such as the following video that I would like to share with you: If you feel as though you're struggling to get to where you want to be, then this video might help you understand WHY and HOW you can change the cycle that you are in. I hope that this helps!

Saturday, June 11, 2016

My Weightloss Journey

As a teen I've discovered that being self-conscious is one of the major causes of depression and anxiety. I'm a very quiet person with a low tolerance for being in public situations because of my low self-esteem and the lack of understanding that some people have towards mental health issues. I understand how judgmental other people can be and when it comes to trying to better yourself... There will always be somebody out there that is going to tell you that you can't do what you want or need to do. There will always be people who make you feel as though you're not doing enough even if you're doing your very best. What I want you to know is that none of those things matter when you're self driven. That's something that a lot of people fail to grasp. If you are at peace within yourself... It becomes easier to stay positive. You find yourself ignoring the negative comments, and anything is possible beyond that point. With that said, if you are on your way to becoming more involved in your own personal health, or you are potentially trying to shed the weight that you would like to... Click here to access my Fitness Blog, or go to

Wednesday, June 8, 2016

My Art Portfolio

Top 3 Best Walmart Hacks!

Yes, I am making a post about Walmart life hacks that I've been using forever. You can't find these anywhere else because these are all personal experiences that I've had, and learned from. Haha well, Here it goes:
  1. The Feathers.

There's an area in the arts & crafts section where you can hide any item that you want to save aside, and the employees never check behind these feathers. I've had things sitting there for 3 months at a time and they've never been found.

2. Products @ Walgreens
I returned a box of Walgreens hair dye and got my money back at the Walmart customer service counter. The barcodes on the items are the same for all of their beauty products. I handed the guy my receipt and everything, so if you don't feel like making a second trip then that takes care of that.

3.The End Caps
A lot of people just walk past the endcaps, but there are tons of clearance deals waiting there for you so don't forget to take the time to browse through and save yourself some moola on products that are normally expensive.

The Ultimate Traveling Guide

If you've been having a hard time finding a beautiful place to escape from your everyday routine then click here. This is a list of the most amazing places around the world. Someday... I want to see the Glow in the Dark beaches on the coast of Maldives. It's such a beautiful place to be. I would love to set up a little tent near the water and have a nice bonfire. That would be heaven on earth. There are so many unique places to see and experience. Don't be afraid of leaving your comfort zone and give yourself the chance to experience life a little bit. Live full, and die empty without regret. Our souls are here for growth and new experiences... Don't deprive yourself of that, and treat every day as if it's a new adventure. You never know which breath will be your very last.

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