Wednesday, January 11, 2017

How I Overcame a Year-Long Rough Patch

Over the past year, I've been struggling with a lack of motivation. After I lost a close family member, went through an emotionally abusive relationship, and got fired from my job because of my age & the company's lack of money... I dropped out of High School. It's been a year since all of this has happened, and I've decided to change my ways. An amazing man came into my life last summer, and I've been working on our relationship over the past 5 months. He's really sweet and caring. He protects me, he takes care of me, and he showed me what true love is. I finally feel like I am able to accomplish everything that I want to accomplish in life. A sudden surge of emotional healing is what helped me realize that it's not too late for me to earn the diploma that I had been struggling for, lose the weight that I want, and become closer with God than I've ever been. Motivation is what every person needs to succeed. He is my motivation.❤ I know that most people would rather not rely on another person to accomplish their personal goals, but when you become so close to someone that you couldn't imagine being without them... You become one flesh. One person. One heart. One Soul. He is what I've been missing all along. He healed me emotionally, and now I feel safe. All I've ever wanted is to feel safe & loved. I have that now, so it feels safe for me to move forward. Human beings have something called an "Energy Bubble". This bubble is not something that can be seen, but it's something that can be felt. When you have wounds, holes, scratches, bruises, and tears in this energy bubble (from any kind of abuse, damage, etc..) then your past experiences are still bringing you pain subconsciously. If you are going through this then you could be in need of a cleansing, or a confession. If you're not a very religious person then you could just write down anything that's bothering you, & burn the pages. It's as if you're having a ritual that's dedicated to getting rid of your past. Moving on from what was or what could have been, and creating what will be is the only way to let go. Think about your future, and let go of your past. You'll feel so much better, and it will benefit you in every way. Stay committed to living in the present, and planning your future. It makes you realize that waking up each morning is a gift, and a privilege. ツ

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